
Showing posts from December, 2020

Developing a Systemic Supervision Lens

Developing a systemic supervision lens  The seven eyed model, developed by Hawkins & Shohet (1985) integrates relational and systemic aspects of supervision inviting a focus on the relationships between client, therapist and supervisor. The model is called “ Seven Eyed ” because there are 7 distinct foci to be examined when reflecting on the therapeutic/workplace process.  The  Systemic Supervision Lens  (SSL) developed by Clinical Supervision Services, has been informed by the 7 eyed model. I begin here by giving an overview of the 7 eyed model and then provide an easy way to consider these eyes using the SSL approach within supervision. Here is a quick descriptive guide to the different eyes: 1.       Client focus  – Attune to the client. What is their experience of the therapeutic process?   2.       Strategies  – What strategies/intervention is being used by the ...